Excerpt From The Interview
“I love Galatians 6:10. It says, ‘As we have opportunity, do good to everyone, but especially to those of the faith.’ I see voting as an opportunity to do good for everyone. We’re bringing the good of our faith because we know that’s ultimately the good that the world needs to hear. By moving forward in faith, doing what we can as we have opportunity, that’s being found faithful. That’s what the Lord requires of us.”
About Jason Yates
After spending over two decades working as an executive at Fortune 100 companies, Jason Yates discovered that 1 in 3 Christians does not vote consistently. That statistic prompted him to leave the corporate world and become the founding CEO of My Faith Votes—a national, nonprofit ministry equipping Christians to think biblically about the issues, pray for our nation, and vote consistently in every election.
Under Jason’s faithful leadership, My Faith Votes has activated and equipped thousands of Christians to vote in their local, state, and federal elections.In the 2024 elections they have a goal of activating 1.5 million Christian voters. Jason and his wife Megan live on 14 acres in Minnesota and are proud parents to two children through the gift of adoption. Jason serves on several national mission boards, coaches his daughter’s lacrosse team, and is an elder at his church.
Links Mentioned
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