How will you endure suffering? How do you live faithfully when suffering?
E. F. Scott called it “one of the most beautiful writings in the New Testament.” WM Barclay characterized it as “one of the easiest letters in the New Testament to read, for it has never lost its winsome appeal to the human heart.”
Join Michael in this expository teaching series of 1 Peter.
The letter of 1 Peter, at the core a message of how Christians face persecution. Peter wants suffering believers to stand firm in their faith (1 Pet. 5:12).
Salvation is God’s doing.
Lesson: This life, at best, is a clean bus station. (We live where we do not belong. Not to be a kill joy – I am firm Ecclesiastes believer in enjoying the stuff of life and living faithfully, but our fallen, broken, ailing world is not our home! )
Lesson: as believers in Jesus – we can never minimize our desperate estate nor overstate the grandeur of His salvation. We all focus on the problem or pain in front of us; it is our nature. But the believer is encouraged to look beyond this present circumstance.