Excerpt From The Interview
“What I thought to myself is, ‘You know what is short? The Gospels. The Gospels are four little books about Jesus. I wonder how long it would take me to read them.’ And I thought, ‘What if I could just do it in January of 2020?’ Obviously, none of us had any idea what 2020 would be about. So I Googled how to read all 4 gospels in a month. Pretty much everything I read said three chapters a day, and you get through it in a month. It’s 89 chapters. And I thought, well, that seems doable. And so I sat down and I read three chapters a day.
Midway through 2020, I shared it on social media. I just said, ‘Hey, if you want to join me, join me.’ A couple hundred people joined me. So in the beginning of 2021, we built a free downloadable plan and a couple of thousand people did it. We did that for a couple of years and a couple of thousand people jumped in every year. So at the end of 2022, I thought, ‘Well, I’m a podcaster. What if we did this as a podcast?”
About Annie F. Downs
Annie F. Downs is a New York Times bestselling author, sought-after speaker, and successful podcast host based in Nashville, TN. Engaging and honest, she makes readers and listeners alike feel as if they’ve been long-time friends. Co-founder of the That Sounds Fun Network—which includes her aptly named flagship podcast, That Sounds Fun—and author of multiple bestselling books including Chase the Fun, That Sounds Fun, 100 Days to Brave and Remember God, Annie is the friend who will shoot straight with you, remind you that God is good, and still manage to make you laugh in the process. For more about Annie’s work, visit https://www.anniefdowns.com/.
Links Mentioned
Let’s Read The Gospels by Annie F. Downs
Poet and Peasant Through Peasant Eyes by Kenneth Bailey
Reading Luke by Charles Talbert
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