In this conversation, Michael and Dr. Campbell talk about:
- Paul, history’s most profound missionary
- The nature and purpose of the letter to Philemon
- The relational oneness of believers
- Paul’s unique word choices in his letter to Philemon
- Navigating Christian values in the ancient culture
- “Effective” fellowship in the faith
- Implications of this text for present-day ministry
“We often want to come in with a world-shattering message of Christ, but if you can’t reach people in their world—if it doesn’t make sense in their world—it’s very difficult to get any traction. We’ve got to weave the gospel into the world that people are in, and let the implications take root.”
Scripture Referenced:
Philemon 17, Philemon 8-9, Philemon 11, Philemon 14, Philemon 6, Philemon 16
About Dr. Constantine Campbell
Constantine Campbell’s doctorate is in biblical Greek language and linguistics (Macquarie University, 2006). He was a professor of New Testament studies for 14 years, having taught at Moore Theological College in Sydney and Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in Chicago.
Campbell is the author of 15 books, with focus on biblical Greek, New Testament interpretation, and the apostle Paul. His book Paul and Union with Christ was the 2014 Christianity Today Book of the Year in Biblical Studies. His latest releases are Reading the New Testament as Christian Scripture (with Jonathan T. Pennington; Baker Academic, 2020), and Paul and the Hope of Glory (Zondervan Academic, 2020).
Campbell was co-chair of the Biblical Greek Language and Linguistics section of the Society of Biblical Literature, and is an Associate Editor of the Zondervan Exegetical Commentary series. He is an elected member of the preeminent scholarly guild, Studiorum Novi Testamenti Societas.
Campbell is also a professionally trained jazz saxophonist and is a visiting instructor at the ANU School of Music. He is the presenter of two documentary series on the apostles Paul and Peter.
Campbell lives in Canberra, Australia.
Learn more about Dr. Campbell Here
Click Here for Dr. Campbell’s work: Colossians and Philemon, A Handbook on the Greek Text
Click Here for Dr. Campbell’s travel-style documentary series on Peter and Paul