Holy Spirit 101:
The Holy Spirit teaches, testifies, guides, leads, convicts, regenerates, intercedes, and commands things.
The Holy Spirit’s personality: It’s important to understand that the Holy Spirit isn’t some specific part of God (modalism). The way we want to explain the Trinity is the way the Scripture gives it to us:
He’s a person who can be grieved, blasphemed against, and lied to.
Holy Spirit 102:
How the Holy Spirit is described
He’s clothed with power
Luke 24:49, Acts 1:8
Matthew 3:16, Mark 1:10, Luke 3:22, John 1:32
The texts are clear on 4 points:
- This is God’s Holy Spirit
- The dove descended from heaven
- The descent is described in the manner as a dove or like a dove, which seems to mitigate against depictions that a bird landed on His head, rather the “manner in which” the Spirit descended is described like that of a dove flighting to the ground
- Most importantly, the function of the Holy Spirit’s descending on Jesus is the Godhead, three: Father, Son, and now clearly identified by God’s Holy Spirit.
2 Corinthians 1:22, Ephesians 1:14
These passages describe the Spirit as an installment or deposit, securing legal claim. Christ sealed us by giving the Spirit as His first installment in our lives––the promise of an inheritance that will be fulfilled in the redemption of God’s own.
Exodus 40:9-16, Acts 1:8
Oil is used for anointing, or setting someone aside for something.
The Holy Spirit is being poured out like oil and His indwelling in our being is the empowering for ministry,which sets us aside for the work of Christ.
Ephesians 1:13, Ephesians 4:30
Several times in the New Testament the Holy Spirit is noted as a seal like the pledge.
A seal secures or fastens something, like the seal over Christ’s tomb (Matthew 27:6). It also identifies ownership and authenticates it.
Elements: fire, water, wind.
John 3:8
Interesting language Jesus uses about the Spirit working: new birth happens because of the Spirit’s movement. The Spirit works beyond human dictates.
A lesson to draw from these observations:
1 Corinthians 2:10-16, specifically 1 Corinthians 2:15
What this language means is that we must be able to understand what we’re looking at in order to know what it’s worth; we need training and certification before we can ascribe value.
A believer, indwelt by the Spirit of God, has the ability to ascribe value to what he or she reads, studies, and is exposed to.
The Bible is not clear on experiential theologies of the Holy Spirit; but it’s very clear that He indwells you and me and gives us the ability to appraise things of value.