About Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson
Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson is the most courageous, outspoken critic of the “civil rights” establishment in America today. Raised without his father on a plantation near Tuskegee, Alabama during the Jim Crow era, Peterson has lived a part of America’s history few have experienced. After a spiritual transformation, Peterson founded BOND, a nationally recognized nonprofit organization dedicated to “Rebuilding the Family by Rebuilding the Man.” Peterson is also the founder of The BOND Leadership Academy, a private school in Los Angeles. He’s a radio talk show host, speaker, and the author of several books. His latest book is “The ANTIDOTE: Healing America from the Poison of Hate, Blame and Victimhood” (to be released on 11/24 and available for pre-order now!) He’s also the author of SCAM: How the Black Leadership Exploits Black America and From Rage to Responsibility. Peterson writes a weekly column for WND.com and appears as a media commentator on Fox News Channel, CNN, and other national TV and radio networks.