Does Isaiah 65 Support a Millennial Kingdom?
When reading about “the new heavens and a new earth,” in Isaiah 65:17-25, I read, in verse 20, about the youth will die at the age of one hundred and the one who does not reach the age of one hundred will be thought accursed.” I wonder if this is support for the idea of a millennial kingdom, or does this refer to some other time? Because it speaks of death, I imagine it is not speaking of the heaven we experience after our resurrection, but I am not sure what was meant by this passage. (Other pastors have been happy to skirt this question, but I know you better than that.)
Excerpt From The Answer
“We don’t want to miss that Isaiah 25 declares a lavish banquet for all peoples. He will swallow up death for all time (the end of death), no more tears, etc. While the sequence of events is hard to harmonize, one thing is clear in Isaiah’s message. There will be a marvelous new creation, on earth, in heaven, and in Jerusalem that ends the curse and the consequences of sin.”
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