Excerpt From The Interview
“The sixth, seventh centuries AD is when Islam came out of the Arabian Peninsula. They then swept through the rest of the Middle East and all the way over into Europe. So that was the rise of Islam. Jews were there before that. The Jewish religion of course goes back to the time of Joshua when Israel as a nation came into that land. So they predate by about 2000 years the Muslims that came in.”
About Dr. Charlie Dyer
Dr. Charlie Dyer served for thirty-three years on the faculty and in the administration of three different institutions, including 20 years at Dallas Theological Seminary and ten years as Provost of the Moody Bible Institute. In 2010 Charlie became Professor-at-Large of Bible for Moody Bible Institute and host of The Land and the Book radio program, which is heard on more than 350 stations across the United States.
For much of his time in ministry Charlie has taken groups to Israel and the other lands of the Bible. In addition to his speaking, teaching, and guiding, Charlie has authored or co-authored numerous books, including The Rise of Babylon, What’s Next?, The Christian Traveler’s Guide to the Holy Land, Character Counts, 30 Days in the Land with Jesus, 30 Days in the Land of the Psalms, A Voice in the Wilderness, The ISIS Crisis, and Clash of Kingdoms. He also contributed to The Bible Knowledge Commentary, Nelson’s Old Testament Survey, and The Moody Bible Commentary.
Links Mentioned
Who Owns The Land? By Dr. Charlie Dyer
The Land and The Book with Dr. Charlie Dyer
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