Maintaining a Kingdom Perspective
It’s fascinating to think about eternity past when the Trinitarian God had existed. There was darkness before God interrupted everything and separated light from darkness and began the created order. They existed in eternity past. It’s the stuff of science fiction. How do we even begin to comprehend that while maintaining a kingdom perspective?
And Peter is saying Jesus was foreknown, so He’s pre-eternally existing and God the Father chose him in that pre eternal state for a purpose. So not only is it mind bending that any person who knows Christ is chosen, but that even Jesus was chosen for a purpose.
God chose us; we did not choose Him. We can never minimize our desperate estate nor overstate the grandeur of His salvation. We all focus on the problem or pain in front of us; it is our nature. But the believer is exhorted to look beyond his or her present circumstance. You can never underestimate the depth of your sin, and you can never overestimate the height of your salvation.
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