Last week the Dobbs v Jackson decision overturned Roe v Wade. Janet Parshall generously returned to inContext to help us think biblically and critically about this decision. What should the believers’ response be, and where do we go from here?
Roe V Wade: Americans Are Not in Favor of Abortion
Our entire movement in the pro-life community should be propelled by love, not by rights or principles. It should be about the fact that somebody’s hurting and doesn’t know what to do.
Years ago I had one of the precious saints at a pregnancy help center say to me that a woman in crisis compares to an animal whose foot gets caught in a trap. They’ll gnaw their foot off to try to get out of the trap if they have to, to free themselves from this situation. That’s a graphic but perfectly succinct picture of someone who says, ‘Help. What do I do now?’ So we need to be there as the frontline in this very important issue.
Pregnancy Help Centers outnumber abortion mills in this country 4:1. Abortion clinics have been closing all across the country. There’s a sea of the culture at large who are saying, ‘Ooh, wait a minute. You mean abortion on demand means abortion from the moment of conception to the moment of birth? I didn’t know that. I’m not in support of that.’ When Planned Parenthood gets on national television and says that America supports abortion, they’re wrong.
The minute you explain to somebody what an abortion is or how far abortions can go in this country, you immediately see that the overwhelming majority of Americans want restrictions.
And most people say 15 weeks when you start hearing a heartbeat. Dead things don’t have heartbeats, doesn’t it follow suit that then living things have a heartbeat? The answer overwhelmingly should be yes.
About Janet Parshall
Janet Parshall has been consistently profiled as one of the top 100 “talkers” in Talkers magazine, the leading trade publication of the talk industry. In 2008 and 2011, Janet was awarded the National Religious Broadcasters On-Air Personality of the Year.
During her career, Janet has served on the boards of several organizations including Concerned Women for America and the National Religious Broadcasters. She is the recipient of the Excellence in Communications award from Women in Christian Media. Sigma Delta Omega elected Janet for high attainments in the field of broadcasting.
Throughout her career, Janet has been a devoted advocate of the principles and policies that strengthen the family. In February 2005, President George W. Bush selected Parshall to represent the White House as public delegate to the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women.
As a radio and television commentator, author and advocate for the family, Janet speaks nationwide on public policy issues that impact family preservation and promotion. She has appeared on numerous national television and radio programs. These include Crossfire, Hardball, Nightline, Larry King Live, Donahue, The 700 Club, Hannity & Colmes and NewsNight with Aaron Brown, and has also appeared on various other programs on CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, MSNBC, CNBC, CBN, PBS, the BBC and NPR. Janet has also been featured in People magazine.
Janet is a graduate of Carroll College in Wisconsin. Wisconsin Governor Tommy Thompson appointed her twice to the Wisconsin Women’s Council, and the Governor’s Commission on Families and Children.