The Believers’ Judgment
Q: The Bible says we will have an accounting for everything on the day of Judgment. If we are saved aren’t we spared from all the sins we’ve committed with Jesus standing by our side stating HE took our sins? Or are we still given an account of our life both good and sinful? What will the believers’ judgment day look like?
Along with this is- what about all the horrible sins committed by Christians while they were Christians- ie slavery, treating or mistreating others? Is there no accountability? What if a Christian insisted you do something you did not want to do, for example, a sin like abortion?
“Heaven will be different than anything we can comprehend, the judgments we experience will be other-worldly, but I do not believe there will be remorse or guilt or shame going forward in the kingdom of heaven.”
John 12, 2 Corinthians 5:10
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