Caught in The Act (John 7:53-8:11)
Michael originally taught ‘Caught in The Act’ (John 7:53-8:11) at Immanuel Bible Church.
- The phrase ‘judge not lest you be judged’ is often misinterpreted and used to dismiss moral judgments. However, the Bible teaches the importance of discernment and righteous judgment.
- Believers are called to exercise judgment in various areas, such as selecting leaders, confronting sin, guarding against false teaching, and contending for the faith.
- The story of the adulterous woman highlights Jesus’ response to a trap set by the scribes and Pharisees. Jesus demonstrates the importance of discernment and the offer of grace.
- The presence of Jesus brings both an offer of salvation and a judgment. It is up to individuals to respond to His offer of grace and repentance.
Excerpt From The Sermon
“If you were the one who caught the adulterer or the adulteress in this situation, you were the one who had to throw the first stone. The witnesses are the ones who throw the first rocks. Now, Jesus does not modify Mosaic law. Jesus fulfills the law. He doesn’t overstep the law. Jesus doesn’t reinterpret the law. Jesus doesn’t put a spin on the law. He masterfully knows the law. And Jesus rules that only those who are free from guilt, and I believe presumably of this sin, can throw the first stone.”
To read the gospel of John, click here.
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