Sermons Living in a World of Hate (John 15:18-27) Michael originally taught ‘Living in a World of Hate’ at Immanuel Bible Church. In this sermon, Michael teaches through John 15:18-27. Listen
Ask Dr. E Is Pope Francis Correct: God is God For Everyone? Q: Is Pope Francis correct that God is God for everyone? What is your response to his claim that all religions are paths to God? Listen
Sermons The Love of God (John 15:12-17) Michael originally taught ‘The Love of God’ at Immanuel Bible Church. In this sermon, Michael teaches through John 15:12-17. Listen
Sermons The True Vine (John 15:1-11) Michael originally taught ‘The True Vine’ at Immanuel Bible Church. In this sermon, Michael teaches through John 15:1-11. Listen
Ask Dr. E What Does it Mean For Jesus to be Lord of Your Life? Q: What does it mean for Jesus to be Lord of your life? How do we explain it to unbelievers without using ‘Christianese’ phrases? Listen
Sermons True Peace (John 14:25-31) Michael originally taught ‘True Peace’ at Immanuel Bible Church. In this sermon, Michael teaches through John 14:25-31. Listen
Ask Dr. E Does Salvation Come by Faith in Christ Plus Being Circumcised or by Faith Alone? Q: Since the ‘believers’ in Acts 15:5 thought salvation came by faith in Christ plus being circumcised/following the Law, were they saved? Listen
Sermons I Will Not Leave You as Orphans (John 14:18-24) Michael originally taught ‘I Will Not Leave You as Orphans’ at Immanuel Bible Church. In this sermon, Michael teaches through John 14:18-24. Listen
Sermons He Will Give You Another Helper (John 14:12-22) Michael originally taught ‘He Will Give You Another Helper’ at Immanuel Bible Church. In this sermon, Michael teaches through John 14:12-22. Listen
Sermons I Know Where We Are Going (John 14:1-11) Michael originally taught ‘I Know Where We Are Going’ at Immanuel Bible Church. In this sermon, Michael teaches through John 14:1-11. Listen