What is a Biblical Revival?
Can you discuss the revival issue? What is a Biblical revival? I’ve just seen it happening even in the small town I live in, to kids I know and love, and I have no clue how to approach it (and them) with love. Ultimately, Biblical revival is shown over time by the fruit it bears (if any). Yet, this generation seems obsessed with pop culture/IG/Tik Tok ‘theology’ and it worries me as I approach my own context of ministry.
Excerpt From The Answer
“As evidenced in Acts 2, Biblical revival is shown in a few ways:
1)Conversions – people trusting in Christ.
2) Devotion to the Word – continual devotion to the apostles’ teaching, i.e., they are explaining God’s word. A brief look at Peter’s sermon reveals a depth of knowledge to the OT Scripture being fulfilled in Christ.
3) Devotion to fellowship – this is more than coffee shops
4) Devotion to the breaking of bread – not only the Lord’s Supper, but we piece together meals
5) Devotion to prayer
These are the work of God, not man. Should we pray for these? Yes. Should we share Christ? Yes. Should we devote ourselves to the word, fellowship, breaking bread, and prayer? Yes. I would caution against looking at what we’ve seen on a few college
campuses as “revivals.” I suspect these have been wonderful, emotional, engaging times of singing, worship, maybe even some teaching. But in the main, we don’t seem to see turning from sin, conversions, or devotion to the word, fellowship, breaking bread, and prayer. We want lives to change. We want people to come to faith in Christ and grow as His disciples.”
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