Interviews Why I Believe Best selling author and leadership expert Dr. Henry Cloud joins Michael to discuss his most recent book, Why I Believe. Listen
Ask Dr. E Can Someone Be Gay and Be a Christian? Q: I have several friends who are gay and profess to be Christians. How does that work? Can someone be gay and a Christian? Listen
Ask Dr. E What is a Biblical Revival? Q: Can you discuss the revival issue? What is a Biblical revival? What fruit should a true revival bear in our lives? Listen
Ask Dr. E Do You Go To Heaven After You Die? Q: Do you believe you go to heaven after you die? I noticed you have been using “new heaven and new Earth” and was just curious what you believe. Listen
Ask Dr. E If God Hates Religion, What Should I Do as a Religious Man? Q: If God hates religion, what should I do as a religious man? What does religion actually mean? Can it be a good thing? Listen
Ask Dr. E Does it Take Anything Besides Belief That Jesus is Lord to Get into Heaven? Q: Does it take anything besides belief that Jesus is Lord to get into heaven and can I do anything to get out of that? Listen