If God Hates Religion, What Should I Do as a Religious Man?
If God hates religion, what should I do as a religious man? What does religion actually mean?
Excerpt From The Answer
Religion is a system of do’s and don’ts. I’m not measuring what I believe by what I do and don’t do. I’m measuring my relationship to Jesus Christ. Do I know this person? Do I know what He did for me? Interestingly, even the New Testament talks about religion in a negative light. The only time it isn’t is in James 1:27 when it says, ‘To visit orphans and widows in their distress. This is pure and undefiled religion in the sight of God.’ That word could be translated as worship.
To care about the fringes of the community, the old who can’t take care of themselves and the young who can’t take care of themselves, widows and orphans. That’s pure worship in God’s sight. So that kind of reframes even how the New Testament talks about religion. And the idea of repetition in religion is very common.
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