Ask Dr. E Is Pope Francis Correct: God is God For Everyone? Q: Is Pope Francis correct that God is God for everyone? What is your response to his claim that all religions are paths to God? Listen
Ask Dr. E Do We All Worship The Same God? Q: Do Jews, Muslims, and Christians all worship the same God? Is this even possible based on differing definitions of who God is? Listen
Ask Dr. E Does Confession to a Priest Count? Q:Does confession to a priest count if they have poor moral character or does that nullify my confession? Listen
Ask Dr. E If God Hates Religion, What Should I Do as a Religious Man? Q: If God hates religion, what should I do as a religious man? What does religion actually mean? Can it be a good thing? Listen
Special Edition Did America have a Christian Founding with Dr. Mark David Hall Dr. Mark David Hall joins Michael to discuss the history of our nation, our faith, and how the intersection of the two guide our future. Listen