Dr. Mark David Hall, author of Did America have a Christian Founding? Separating Modern Myth from Historical Truth joins Michael to discuss the history of our nation, our faith, and how the intersection of the two may guide our future.
Dr. Hall is Herbert Hoover Distinguished Professor of Politics and Faculty Fellow in the William Penn Honors Program at George Fox University. He is the author of a number of books on religion and politics in American life.
In this episode, Michael and Mark discuss:
- Scholarly arguments regarding Christianity and America’s founding
- Separation of Church and State
- Being good neighbors to fellow Americans of other faiths
- The Constitution
- Freedom of & from Religion
- Our future as faithful people in an increasingly post-Christian nation
Recommended resources:
Did America have a Christian Founding? Separating Modern Myth from Historical Truth
Did America have a Christian Founding? Article
Our thanks to Dr. Hall for sharing his time and expertise!