Interviews How Christians Should Think About Economics Dr. Brian Baugus joins Michael to discuss God’s view of our money and how Christians should approach politics in light of economics. Listen
Interviews Does America Have a Biblical Worldview? Michael is joined by Dr. David Closson to discuss the importance of a Biblical worldview as we approach the coming election. Listen
Interviews Should Climate Change Impact Your Vote? Dr. E Calvin Beisner joins Michael to discuss Biblical stewardship of creation and how climate change should impact Christian voters. Listen
Interviews Forming a Biblical View of Politics CEO of Summit Ministries Dr. Jeff Myers joins Michael to discuss the importance of a Biblical view of politics. Listen
Interviews Does God Want You to Vote? CEO of My Faith Votes, Jason Yates, joins Michael to examine the importance of Christians voting in elections big and small. Listen
Interviews Who’s Afraid of Christian Nationalism Mark David Hall joins Michael to discuss his newest book, Who’s Afraid of Christian Nationalism, and cultural misunderstandings about Christian nationalism. Listen
Interviews How Politics Impacts Our Lives Steve Bartlett joins Michael to discuss a life of politics and how politics plays a large role in the state of our lives. Listen
Interviews When It’s Your Turn To Serve Karen Pence joins Michael to discuss her book, When It’s Your Turn To Serve, and following God in your context. Listen
Interviews During School Hours Author and founder of LifeWise Academy, Joel Penton, joins Michael to discuss the vital need for Christian education in public school. Listen
Interviews The Eternality of God’s Truth Janet Parshall joins Michael to discuss current issues in American politics and unfortunate divisions in the church. Listen