Ask Dr. E Should We Pray to God, Jesus, or Both? Q: Should we pray to God, Jesus, or both as believers? What scripture supports directing our prayers to one member of the Trinity vs another? Listen
Interviews REPLAY: Building Relationship With God Through Prayer Barbara Brand joins Michael to talk about building relationship with God through prayer, and the imperative obedience we are called to as believers. Listen
Ask Dr. E What is a Biblical Revival? Q: Can you discuss the revival issue? What is a Biblical revival? What fruit should a true revival bear in our lives? Listen
Interviews REPLAY: Cultivating A Praying Church Paul E. Miller joins Michael to discuss his book, A Praying Church, and the true purpose and priority of a prayer meeting. Listen
Interviews Recalibrate Your Life Ken Boa joins Michael to talk about his new book, Recalibrate Your Life, and what it means to steward what God has given you. Listen
Interviews Lead With Prayer Cameron Doolittle joins Michael to discuss his book, Leading With Prayer, and the value of leaders that pray. Listen
Sermons Seek Him Constantly: 3 Spiritual Disciplines In part 3 of the seek, serve, share series from Immanuel Bible Church, Michael looks at 3 often overlooked spiritual disciplines. Listen
Ask Dr. E Has the Lord’s Prayer Been Misinterpreted? Q: Has the Lord’s Prayer been misinterpreted. What does ‘give us this day our daily bread’ mean in the context of this prayer? Listen
Interviews Cultivating A Praying Church Paul E. Miller joins Michael to discuss his book, A Praying Church, and the true purpose and priority of a prayer meeting. Listen
Ask Dr. E Are There Still Apostles Today? Q: My husband and I were driving and passed by a church where the sign said the church was led by “Apostle So-and-so.” It made us wonder, are there still apostles today? Listen