What Should Our Stance on Homosexuality be as Christians?
What is your stance on homosexuality? How should we relate to the LGBTQ+community?
Excerpt From The Answer
“God created us in His image. God’s design was male and female, He created them. God’s design for sexual identity is a heterosexual lifelong monogamous relationship. We’ve seen in the last decade a move toward identity based gender discussions. It is a relatively new thing that gender is designated or chosen by the individual.
My very good friends Christopher Yuan and Rosaria Butterfield both came out of a gay lifestyle. They each came to Christ and now spend their lives trying to educate and teach what scripture says. My friend Christopher says there is no identity in gender or sexuality. Your identity is in Christ or not. From a biblical framework we’re either in Christ or not. My identity is not a white male. My identity is Michael, and I’m either in Christ or not. Unfortunately, the language has been hijacked by a sinful mindset.”
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