Q: Health, cultural, or traditional reasons aside: should Christians have their sons circumcised for religious or theological reasons?
For reference, the previous question answered was: Why do some Christian denominations practice infant baptism while others only practice believer baptism? What do practitioners believe infant baptism does/does not mean or accomplish?
Should Christians Have Their Sons Circumcised?
Many reformers will connect Old Testament circumcision with new testament infant baptism. God made His covenant with Himself, to Himself, by Abraham. The descendants after Abraham are the fulfillment of the Abrahamic covenant. This has nothing to do with baptism in the New Testament. True baptism occurs only for believers who have owned their faith in Christ. Baptism is a declaration of our identity in Christ, it is not meant to be a ritual that holds on to the Abrahamic covenant.
How Do Circumcision and Baptism Correspond? From Desiring God
Genesis 17:12, Genesis 17:19, Genesis 21:4
Previous Episode on Infant Baptism
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