Excerpt From The Interview
“Every single policy prescribed to try to slow global warming is a policy that slows, stops, or reverses the climb out of poverty of developing countries around the world. Not only that, but it hurts the poorer people even in developed countries. The increase in energy prices that has happened in the United States has harmed the poor more than anybody else. The primary driver for this increase is climate change policies.
The average American household spends about 8% of their income on energy. However, the average household in the lowest 20% of income earners, spends close to 30% of its income just on energy. If you raise the cost of energy by 20%, which is less than it has been raised in the last four years. For the average American household, that means you go from 8% to 10 or 11% of your household income. But for that bottom quintile household, you go from about 30% to about 37%.”
About Dr. E Calvin Beisner
Dr. Beisner is Founder and National Spokesman of The Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation. The Cornwall Alliance is a network of over 60 Christian theologians, natural scientists, economists, and other scholars educating for Biblical earth stewardship, economic development for the poor, and the proclamation and defense of the good news of salvation by God’s grace, received through faith in Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection.
He has written over a dozen books, edited over 30, contributed to over 35, and published thousands of articles, popular and scholarly. He has lectured at universities, seminaries, conferences, and churches in North America, Europe, Africa, and Asia. Dr. Beisner has also testified as an expert witness on the ethics and economics of climate change and climate and energy policy before committees of the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives; briefed the White House Council on Environmental Policy; and presented a paper to a scholarly colloquium on climate change of the Pontifical Institute for Justice and Peace at the Vatican in Rome. In 2014 the Heritage Foundation honored Dr. Beisner with the Outstanding Spokesman for Faith, Science, and Stewardship Award at the Ninth International Conference on Climate Change.
Links Mentioned
River Oaks Sunday School Lessons
Climate and Energy: The Case For Realism by Dr. E. Calvin Beisner and David Legates
Shepherd’s For Sale by Megan Basham
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