Did God Create All The Planets?
Did God create all the planets? And if so, what all is out there if there is an infinite number of galaxies and planets?
Excerpt From The Answer
“The ancients understood stars. They understood distance. They understood time. And that goes back to the oldest book of the Bible. So on top of this, I hold to what’s called a six day literal creation. Most Christians have moved to an old earth system, and that’s fine. But I think Jesus created the world in six literal days. And my argument for that is if we believe in miracles, Jesus walked on the water, He healed a blind man. His first miracle was turning water into wine. Take any miracle. He raises Lazarus from the dead. He breaks the laws of physics, time, and biology.
You can’t take water, molecularly, and turn it into wine. It’s not even grape juice. There’s no bacteria. There’s no sugars, compounds, or sulfites. He changes the whole system. You can’t give a blind man a new pair of eyes unless you create them. So if He can create anything that breaks the laws of physics, biology, time, I think He can handle it when we look through the telescope and we see billions and billions of stars.”
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