Did Judas go to Heaven?
Do you think that Judas is in heaven? Does that Bible say anything about that? Is there any way to know for sure?
Excerpt From The Answer
“Almost every time the Bible mentions Judas’ name, the word betrayed or betrayer is in the sentence. So think about every time they call out your name and they say, oh, the liar. You know, Michael the liar. This is the way the Bible refers to Judas. Jesus in John 6:70 calls him the devil. He says, ‘You’re the son of perdition’ in John 17:12. The word perdition essentially means destruction. And it’s used in other places in the Bible where there’s a real interesting parallel to Judas’ destruction and the destruction of cities. Both are irreparable, unredeemable, and they’re gone. So this is a heavy word.
In Luke 22:3, it says Satan entered Judas. In Matthew 27, he tries to go back and return the thirty pieces to the sanhedrin and they won’t take it back. He basically tries to confess his sin, and they rebuff him. They didn’t want anything to do with him. Moral of the story, nobody likes the betrayer.”
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