Were Dinosaurs on The Ark?
Were dinosaurs on the ark? What is your interpretation/belief about God creating dinosaurs?
Excerpt From The Answer
“Since God can create the heavens, earth, sky, stars… sea monsters, beasts… why could this not include dinosaurs? Since we have fossils of dinosaurs in many places on the earth we know they were real and indeed existed. When God instructed Noah to build the Ark and eventually “two of every kind” of birds, animals, creeping things… will come to the Ark. Some think dinosaurs were too large or there were too many kinds so they were not on the Ark. If that was the case, then it would limit many large mammals. Rather, would it not be possible that “juniors” or young pairs of animals would be on the Ark? Two juvenile elephants, horses, wildebeests, rhinos, giraffes… and juvenile age dinosaurs.
As to what happened to some animals who were not on the Ark? They drowned. They died. Perhaps God in His perfect plan selected certain animals that would not exist after the flood. And we can also conclude that even if some species were on the Ark, they could have subsequently died off.”
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