Will We Have Free Will in Heaven?
I have always understood that, since God loves us, He gives us free will to choose Him or not choose Him. For those of us that go to heaven, will we still have free will there? If yes, what happens if, over trillions of years, someone decides to reject Him? If not, what is the nature of God in heaven?
Excerpt From The Answer
“God’s love, not our free will choices, brought us to trust Him. When we speak of free will or self-determinism as it pertains to coming to faith in Christ, we can get wrapped around the axle. We have free will to obey or disobey Him. As sinful men and women, we are bent toward sin. Since we are not robots, we have the choice to sin or to obey Christ. The doctrine of election, however, only has application for the believer. It is God’s sovereign choice of us before the foundation of the world that unites us to Him.
When we are dead to our sin nature, with Christ, in heaven, we will be free from the lust of the flesh, lust of the eye, and the boastful pride of life. We will be free indeed! Free from sin and free to live as God designed us before we fell.”
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