The World Has Gone After Him (John 12:9-19)
Michael originally taught ‘The World Has Gone After Him’ (John 12:9-19) at Immanuel Bible Church.
- Anticipation for future events can bring excitement and anxiety.
- Believers should actively think about the Kingdom of God.
- The Triumphal Entry signifies Jesus’ unique kingship.
- Jesus’ entry on a donkey symbolizes peace, not war.
- What we talk about reflects what is important to us.
- The coming of the King is a future hope for believers.
- We must prioritize God’s kingdom over our own agendas.
Excerpt From The Sermon
“What are we eagerly anticipating? What are we looking forward to as we look down the days, weeks, months in our lives that sort of build excitement in our souls? Can you identify the thing that occupies most of your conversation? Because the thing that occupies most of your interest, most of your conversation, is the thing that’s the most important to us now.
Jesus Christ comes to fulfill prophecy. He comes on an animal of peace, not on an animal of war. Jesus did not come to be a political solution to the Jews. He did not come to be a political solution to the day. Jesus came to be a spiritual solution to the sin problem.”
To read the gospel of John, click here.
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