The Holy Spirit in The World (John 16:5-15)
Michael originally taught ‘The Holy Spirit in The World’ (John 16:5-15) at Immanuel Bible Church.
- We often struggle with self-interest and self-focus.
- Jesus’ departure is necessary for the coming of the Holy Spirit.
- The Holy Spirit convicts the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment.
- Conviction is essential for recognizing our need for salvation.
- The Holy Spirit guides believers into all truth about Christ.
- The apostles were given a unique role in revealing Christ’s teachings.
- The Holy Spirit empowers believers to share their faith.
- Understanding our sinfulness is crucial for spiritual growth.
- The world often misjudges righteousness and truth.
- Trusting in Christ is a radical act of faith.
Excerpt From The Sermon
“How could the Holy Spirit indwell a person whose sins had not yet been remedied? The only remedy for sin is Christ to be crucified and die for you and me. So that has to be accomplished before the Spirit can indwell. That’s why the Holy Spirit, maybe the biggest reason why, did not permanently indwell the believer in the Old Testament. He seems to come and go at God’s discretion. But when you trust Christ, there’s a permanent relationship with the Spirit. Because of Christ’s sufficiency, propitiation, what he accomplished on Calvary, you are now indwelt by that Spirit permanently.”
To read the gospel of John, click here.
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