One Should Die For The People (John 11:45-57)
Michael originally taught ‘One Should Die For The People’ (John 11:45-57) at Immanuel Bible Church.
- Responses to Jesus range from belief to outright rejection.
- Political leaders feared Jesus due to His growing influence.
- Jesus’ death fulfilled God’s plan for redemption.
- Political turmoil does not diminish God’s sovereignty.
- Lazarus serves as a powerful testament to Jesus’ authority over death.
Excerpt From The Sermon
“Jesus Christ will die for the nation. It won’t accomplish what Caiaphas wants, but it will accomplish something far greater. It will accomplish substitutionary atonement. Jesus Christ’s death will be in place of the nation. His death will be in place of the children of God dying. It will be in place of all those who are scattered, and it will help them. It will be the provision for them to be saved.
Caiaphas is only concerned about one thing, expediency. He even says so. He’s not concerned about justice. He’s not concerned about Jesus’ guilt or innocence. His only concern is expediency. It tells us a great deal about the heart of this religious leader. While he did not speak for God, God spoke through him in this strange prophecy.”
To read the gospel of John, click here.
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