Q: You always say we must take the word at its word. We don’t add or take away. You say not to worry about what we “think” it means, but what it does mean. A few weeks ago you mentioned that the Proverbs 31 woman was not really about what a woman should want to be but was about wisdom.
This was a little surprising to me because since I’ve read it as a little girl it seems very cut and dry. It’s a lot less ambiguous than some of the verses and books of the Bible. I never looked at this passage as a burden. I always loved the fact that God took time to show us this amazing reflection of what I believe so many women do and are.
The ‘woman’ is used as a personification throughout wisdom literature. Solomon is using this personification of wisdom to teach his son, and us, what it looks like to choose wisdom or wickedness. It would not be a negative thing for a woman to dedicate herself to living out Proverbs 31, but this is simply using wisdom.
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