Annie F. Downs joins Michael in the studio to discuss the difference between local and global discipleship, what it looks like in her day to day, and how athletes might be the best Christians.
Bill Hendricks, President of the Giftedness Center, joins Michael in the studio to discuss how God has uniquely gifted each of his children to be disciple-makers.
Christ’s final commission was to make disciples “as you go.” What does that look like in today’s context? Michael talks with Carl Cartee, songwriter/artist/worship leader, about making disciples through the avenue of worship.
Christ called his disciples to follow Him in order to become fishers of men. If we are truly a disciple of Christ, we should be engaged in disciple-making. Join Michael as he chats with Discipleship Pastor, Mark Irving, about practical ways to begin obeying Christ’s command to make disciples.
Christ didn’t give us a command to make disciples without giving us an example to follow. Dann Spader, author of 4 Chair Discipling and Walking As Jesus Walked, shares how we can look to Christ’s example as a model for disciple-making.
Have we lost sight of Jesus’ final command? Though churches are growing and ministries expanding, are we making disciples? Join Michael as he shares some thoughts on Matthew 28:19-20.