Don’t: believe what’s on the news just because it’s on the news.
Do: a little homework.
Let’s be good stewards of what God’s given us and let’s seek to understand man’s affect on these resources. Today we’re bringing you expert reports from Dr. James Tour, Dr. Ron Rhodes, and Dr. E. Calvin Beisner. This is a good opportunity to think critically about what we are doing to our environment and what we can do to steward God’s creation well.
(Beginning 8:55)
Dr. James Tour is a synthetic organic chemist, received his Bachelor of Science degree in chemistry from Syracuse University, his Ph.D. in synthetic organic and organometallic chemistry from Purdue University, and postdoctoral training in synthetic organic chemistry at the University of Wisconsin and Stanford University. After spending 11 years on the faculty of the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at the University of South Carolina, he joined the Center for Nanoscale Science and Technology at Rice University in 1999 where he is presently the T. T. and W. F. Chao Professor of Chemistry, Professor of Computer Science, and Professor of Materials Science and NanoEngineering. Tour has about 650 research publications and over 200 patents, with an H-index = 129 and i10 index = 538 with total citations over 77,000 (Google Scholar). He was inducted into the National Academy of Inventors in 2015. Tour was named among “The 50 Most Influential Scientists in the World Today” by in 2014.
Click Here to view Dr. Tour’s full biography.
(Beginning 31:50)
Dr. E. Calvin Beisner is Founder and National Spokesman of The Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation, a network of over 60 Christian theologians, natural scientists, economists, and other scholars educating for Biblical earth stewardship, economic development for the poor, and the proclamation and defense of the good news of salvation by God’s grace, received through faith in Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection. Dr. Beisner was associate professor of historical theology and social ethics at Knox Theological Seminary from 2000 to 2008 and of interdisciplinary studies (focusing on the application of Biblical worldview, theology, and ethics to economics, government, and public policy) at Covenant College from 1992 to 2000. He earned his B.A. in Interdisciplinary Studies in Religion and Philosophy at the University of Southern California, his M.A. in Economic Ethics from International College, and his Ph.D. in Scottish History/History of Political Thought at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland. He has been an elder in the Presbyterian Church in America and the Orthodox Presbyterian Church, planting a new congregation for the latter and serving on its pastoral staff for three years. He and his wife Debby, an accomplished portrait painter, have seven children and nine grandchildren.
Click Here to view Dr. Beisner’s full biography.
(Beginning 104:30)
Dr. Ron Rhodes received his Th.M. and Th.D. degrees in systematic theology from Dallas Theological Seminary, graduating with honors. He is currently the president of Reasoning from the Scriptures Ministries, an apologetics organization located in Texas. The author of more than 60 books, with millions of books in print, Dr. Rhodes is a keynote speaker at conferences across the United States and Canada. As time permits, he also teaches at a number of seminaries, including Dallas Theological Seminary and Veritas Evangelical Seminary. He has been a guest on many national and regional radio and television programs produced by CBN, Trinity Television, FamilyNet Television, Cornerstone Television, Worship Television, Crossroads Christian Communications, LeSea Broadcasting, Salem Communications, USA Radio, Moody Radio, and others. He and his wife, Kerri, reside in Texas.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]