The Best You Can Offer (John 12:1-11)
Michael originally taught ‘The Best You Can Offer’ (John 12:1-11) at Immanuel Bible Church.
- The anointing of Jesus is a significant biblical event.
- Many misunderstood Mary’s act of devotion.
- Judas’s character reveals the dangers of greed.
- Extravagant gifts can be expressions of deep love.
- Lazarus symbolizes the power of resurrection.
- Martha’s growth reflects a deeper understanding of Christ.
- True generosity comes from a heart of love.
- God calls us to give Him our best.
Excerpt From The Sermon
“You’re supposed to anoint the head, not the feet. And so she anointed His feet. And then she lets down her hair, which you do not do in public around Jewish men. She uses her hair to mop his feet. Now, if you’re supposed to anoint the head, not the feet, that’s wrong. A woman’s hair is also called her glory. And I think this woman is so in love with her Lord that she seeks that which is His worst.
She takes that which is her best, pours it on that which is His worst and takes her glory, the best she has to be a rag. That’s a beautiful picture of her soul, of her heart, of her love for her Lord. The best she has is her nard. The best she is is the glory of her hair. And that’s not worthy to wipe the man’s stinking feet. Yet she does it out of love.”
To read the gospel of John, click here.
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