Excerpt From The Interview
“As Christians, we believe in the fundamental understanding of what the Bible teaches about the sacredness of life. It almost feels like we don’t have any home in the political sphere right now. However, there’s always a place to stand as Christians, always a place that we need to contend for. As the Bible says, we are to contend for the faith. I think one of the most fundamental places to contend for it is in just the sanctity of life. When you understand the sanctity of life, you can’t ignore this as a believer, and you have to speak to it everywhere you can.”
About Dr. Mark Turman
Dr. Mark Turman is the Executive Director of Denison Forum and Vice President of Denison Ministries. Among his many duties, Turman is most notably the host of The Denison Forum Podcast. He is also the chief strategist for DF Pastors, which equips pastors and church leaders to understand and transform today’s culture.
Denison Forum exists to thoughtfully engage the issues of the day from a biblical perspective through The Daily Article email newsletter and podcast, The Denison Forum Podcast, as well as many books and additional resources.
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