Q: My question is about the L in TULIP – limited Atonement. I have had trouble wrapping my mind around this and reconciling it with some of scripture. RC Sproul’s term definite atonement has helped me and I think it is probably a more accurate term. But would like to hear what Dr. E has to say about this doctrine and scripture to support it.
Christ died for sinners, not sin. Limited Atonement is a definite or particular redemption. We see this in John 10:15, Acts 20:28, Romans 8:32. The efficacy of Jesus blood and the sins it covers is only for the elect; It is limited in scope.
Unfamiliar with “TULIP”?
Total depravity
Unconditional election
Limited atonement
Irresistible grace
Persistence of the saints
Resources Mentioned:
Often used in support of limited atonement:
John 10:15, Acts 20:28, Romans 8:32
“The New Testament at face value declares that Christ died for all.”
Romans 5:6-8, 2 Corinthians 5:14, 2 Peter 2:1, 1 Timothy 1:15, *John Hannah’s Invitation to Church History
*We spoke to John Hannah about his two-volume set on church history for a previous episode on inContext. Find those episodes Here and Here.
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