Whose Name Should We Baptize in?
My sister and I can’t agree on this. Should we be baptized in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit or just in the name of Jesus? I stand on Matthew 28:19 and she stands on Acts 19:5 and Acts 2:38.
Excerpt From The Answer
“One of the best observations – as always – is context. Jesus’ commission was to make disciples of all nations (all ethnos). But when Peter is preaching in Acts 2 and Paul is talking with John’s disciples in Acts 19:1-5 these are Jews. Why this may be important is that the Jew would well understand the mikveh. They knew about baptism in the Father and Spirit but would not have been identified with Jesus, the Messiah. Therefore, we can conclude they already understood, accepted, and believed in the Father and Holy Spirit. Their need was to understand identification with Christ. Jesus’ commission to make disciples of all nations (ethnos) would include Gentiles with little to no knowledge of Judaism, much less the OT teachings. So for Gentiles, they need to understand the person and work of Jesus Christ, His Father, and His indwelling Holy Spirit.”
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