Ask Dr. E Was Mordecai Out of The Will of God? Q: Was Mordecai out of the will of God? I have never heard this take on the uncle/cousin of Esther. What are your thoughts? Listen
Sermons How’s Your Approval Rating? (John 12:37-50) Michael originally taught ‘How’s Your Approval Rating?’ at Immanuel Bible Church. In this sermon, Michael teaches through John 12:37-50. Listen
Sermons If I Am Lifted Up (John 12:27-36) Michael originally taught ‘If I Am Lifted Up’ at Immanuel Bible Church. In this sermon, Michael teaches through John 12:27-36. Listen
Sermons Let Him Follow Me (John 12:20-26) Michael originally taught ‘Let Him Follow Me’ at Immanuel Bible Church. In this sermon, Michael teaches through John 12:20-26. Listen
Ask Dr. E Is Messianic Judaism a Valid Belief? Q: Is Messianic Judaism a valid belief? Didn’t all the apostles that were Jews convert to Christianity (believers in Christ)? Listen
Interviews Voting With Compassion, Conviction, and Civility Dr. Mark Turman, executive director of the Denison Forum, joins Michael to discuss how believers can vote with compassion, conviction, and civility. Listen
Sermons The World Has Gone After Him (John 12:9-19) Michael originally taught ‘The World Has Gone After Him’ at Immanuel Bible Church. In this sermon, Michael teaches through John 12:9-19. Listen
Interviews Exploring Christian Scripture Dr. Mark Yarbrough, president of Dallas Theological Seminary, joins Michael to discuss his book, Exploring Christian Scripture. Listen
Sermons The Best You Can Offer (John 12:1-11) Michael originally taught ‘The Best You Can Offer’ at Immanuel Bible Church. In this sermon, Michael teaches through John 12:1-11. Listen
Interviews Shepherds For Sale Author and culture reporter Megan Basham joins Michael to discuss her new best-selling book, Shepherds For Sale. Listen