Can a Person Get Saved Through Seeing Visions or Having Dreams of Jesus?
Can God save someone through seeing visions or having dreams of Jesus? or does salvation come by hearing the word of God, getting convicted of sin and then responding in faith? I’ve heard and read of stories especially from the Middle East of people (mostly Muslims) seeing visions of Christ and having dreams than waking up and converting to Christianity. Please clarify or explain ways of salvation (Biblically)
Excerpt From The Answer
“We have an intriguing passage in Luke 19:39–40, “Some of the Pharisees in the crowd said to Him, ;Teacher, rebuke Your disciples.; But Jesus answered, ‘I tell you, if these become silent, the stones will cry out!” The disciples were declaring, “Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord; Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!” which the Pharisees took as an affront needing rebuke. Jesus’ reply seems to say, ‘if the disciples are silent, the stones would cry out, forced to proclaim the mighty works of God’. Nothing can cancel out or silence the person and work of Jesus Christ.”
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