In Proverbs 6:1-19, the father warns his son to watch out for the irresponsible, lazy, and wicked. Throughout the text, we learn what pleases and displeases God.
Proverbs 4:10-19 is simple. It’s about choosing the right way. ‘The way’ is a motif throughout Proverbs. Two women are used to illustrate the way of the righteous or the way of the wicked.
Proverbs 3:13-18 is about something more precious and priceless than anything. It’s not something we grab out of a burning home, but the wisdom in understanding what wisdom is. The parallel is that when we find wisdom, we gain understanding.
Do you want wisdom? If so, there is a path to get it, but it’s not what you think. Wisdom is the deliberate pursuit of something whose origin is God; it is manifold and multifaceted. We must have a deep reliance on the Father.