Sermons Acts 20:28-32 Passing The Torch: Be on Guard In Paul’s final interaction with the elders in Ephesus, he reminds them, and us, to be on guard. Listen
Interviews How We Got Our English Bible Dr. Ed Blum joins Michael to help us understand how we got our english Bible. Listen
Sermons 2 Corinthians 11:21-28 Suffering For Christ’s Sake Paul is the picture of suffering for Christ’s sake. Do we carry the daily pressure of the body of Christ? Listen
Ask Dr. E How Do We Evangelize to Catholics and Other Denominations? Q: I have noticed we tend to evangelize only to those who don’t know Jesus. But how do we evangelize to Catholics or those with bad theology? Listen
Ask Dr. E Is The Perpetual Virginity and Sinlessness of Mary Sound Theology? Q: What do you think about the perpetual virginity/sinlessness of Mary? I’m torn but want to know the implications of believing this doctrine. Listen
Ask Dr. E How Do You Know Christ is in You? Q: How do you know Christ is in you? I look back on my words and don’t see a very nice person. I have asked Him to change me, and I keep repeating the same things. Listen
Interviews The Identity of Christ Followers Todd Peterson joins Michael to discuss our identity as believers regardless of our jobs and being a generous giver. Listen
Ask Dr. E Why did God create people who would reject Him? Why did God create people who would reject Him? A complicated question with an answer that’s perhaps simpler than you may think. Listen
Ask Dr. E, Special Edition Special Edition: Dr. E asks Dr. G Dr. Wayne Grudem joins Michael to discuss difficult questions and topics we may face and grapple witih in our Christian lives. Listen