Michael teaches through the book of 2 Thessalonians: persevere when facing persecution, stand firm on sound doctrine, and follow the right examples of faith.
How do you know if a person is saved?
What do we believe? How do we behave—and can that be measured?
As Christians we generally agree on belief, but what behaviors are acceptable?
This is precisely the question Paul addresses to the church in Galatia.
An overview of Second Corinthians: a second look into the development of the early church; as well as problems they faced and how the apostle stepped in to correct the church.
An overview of First Corinthians: A correction given to the church at Corinth generations ago, which remains poignantly applicable to the Church today.
Michael teaches an overview of the book of Romans. This book, often called the magnum opus of Paul’s writings, is a theological crash-course and practical handbook for the Christian life in one text.
Michael teaches an overview of the book of Acts. Often referred to as The Acts of The Apostles, but perhaps more aptly titled: The Acts of The Holy Spirit.