Michael is joined by his dear friend Jeanne Hendricks who generously gives us her take on the purpose of the book of Ruth and who she believes to be the real hero of the story: Naomi.
How do we resolve texts we can’t reconcile to any sort of order or justice? When the bad guys win and evil violence seems to have the last word?
Dr. Mark Chavalas joins us again to discuss some of the more difficult passages in the book of Judges.
Moses leads his people as far as he will be allowed to go toward the Promised Land and is buried by God in the book of Deuteronomy.
This book is much more than a second-telling of the law. It’s a recounting of Israel’s history and an underscoring of who God is, and what He’s promised.
Join us as we look today to the fifth and final chapter of the Pentateuch.
We don’t live in the culture that originally received the Word of God. If we are to grasp this text, we must also understand some of the cultural connotations within. To help us, historian and professor Dr. Mark Chavalas joins us today.
To the first recipients, Leviticus offered freedom from the burden of the Law through instruction for confession and worship.
The Pentateuch––the first five books of the Bible––is a whole in five parts. We might even say it’s one book with five chapters, and Leviticus is one of them.
It may be a surprise when we realize that technically only about two chapters of Exodus (Exodus 13:17-Exodus 15:21) deal with the “Exodus proper.”
So, there is much more for us in these 40 chapters. We’re continuing our over-view study of the Scriptures by looking at each book week by week. Join us today as Michael teaches about Exodus.