Some scholars would argue that the book of Esther shouldn’t be in the Bible. Neither God’s name nor his laws appear in the text, no miracles occur, no prophet speaks – but here, in this text, we see God’s providence.
Season 3, Episode 5. Join Michael as he teaches from Nehemiah 4 and discusses the importance of prayer and how to make tough decisions with Les Steckel and Susan West.
Season 3, Episode 4. Join Michael as he teaches from Chapter 3 of Nehemiah and discusses the importance of identifying with the people you lead and enlisting the right workers with General Loren Reno.
Season 3, Episode 3. Join Michael as he teaches from Chapter 2 of Nehemiah and discusses how to face opposition and how to stay on course as a leader with NFL Coach Les Steckel, Janet Parshall, and Dave Ramsey.