In this episode we’ll look at a high-level overview of the book of Ruth. It’s a beautiful story of love, faithfulness, loyalty, and redemption set right in the time when the judges were judging.
We’ve moved through the Pentateuch (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy) and into the Historical Books. If you missed our study of Joshua, listen and review Show Notes Here.
Today, we’re looking at Judges, which has often been referred to as the darkest days in Israel’s history.
Judges is a tectonic shift in the storyline, as we look at a generation who doesn’t know God.
Moses leads his people as far as he will be allowed to go toward the Promised Land and is buried by God in the book of Deuteronomy.
This book is much more than a second-telling of the law. It’s a recounting of Israel’s history and an underscoring of who God is, and what He’s promised.
Join us as we look today to the fifth and final chapter of the Pentateuch.