Why Do We Pray?
If everything happens for a reason, and things are predestined to happen, then why do we pray? How does prayer change things? I struggle with this area in my Christian life, and I think partly because I don’t understand and don’t know if my prayer makes a difference.
Scripture is very clear about prayer. Ephesians 6:18 says, “With every prayer and request, pray at all times in the Spirit, and with this in view, be alert with all perseverance and every request for all the saints.” Prayer is not simply petitioning God, but having a relational conversation with the Creator. We are adoring Him, confessing to Him, thanking Him, and making our requests known to Him. We are asking God to move in a way that we can’t. Even when He doesn’t answer, He’s still moving and we must learn to trust Him in it. Next time you wonder, ‘why do we pray?’, remember that we are communicating with the One who made us.
Resources Mentioned:
The Handbook To Prayer By Ken Boa
Andrew Murray- With Christ in the School of Prayer
Arthur G. Bennett- The Valley of Vision
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