Proverbs tells us there is victory in an abundance of counselors, so I called a few of my wiser friends and asked if they’d share their counsel with us as we navigate a historic and contentious presidential election. We hear from Dr. E. Calvin Beisner in this episode.
From the episode:
“We may have a lot of passion, but we have to set the passion aside for a while to carefully investigate the facts. Once we understand the facts well, we can bring our passion back in and it can be well-directed.”
“Unfortunately, the social justice movement wrongly defines “justice” and, therefore, undermines true social relationships; but it also undermines the gospel because, frankly, we cannot understand grace rightly if we do not understand justice rightly.”
“Justice means rendering, impartially and proportionally to everyone, what is due in conformity with the righteous standard of God’s moral law. “
Dr. Beisner’s books mentioned in the episode:
How does the Creation Care Movement Threaten the Pro-Life Movement
Social Justice vs Biblical Justice: How Good Intentions Undermine Justice and Gospel
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Listen to our conversation with Dr. Beisner from our episode Special edition: Climate Change.
About Dr. E. Calvin Beisner:
Dr. Beisner is Founder and National Spokesman of The Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation, a network of over 60 Christian theologians, natural scientists, economists, and other scholars educating for Biblical earth stewardship, economic development for the poor, and the proclamation and defense of the good news of salvation by God’s grace, received through faith in Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection.