Q: I’m curious about Exodus 7:10-11, and really this whole part of the Exodus story, where pharaoh’s magicians were repeatedly able to duplicate the miracles Moses and Aaron performed.
The Bible says we will have an accounting for everything on the day of Judgment. If we are saved aren’t we spared from all the sins we’ve committed with Jesus standing by our side stating HE took our sins?
Michael teaches an overview of the book of Jonah. Well known and widely regarded as a children’s story or a “whale’s tale,” this is a text many of us ought to look at with fresh eyes. It is the living word of God.
Michael speaks with Dr. Mark Chavalas about the book of Obadiah. As always, the historical context Dr. Chavalas brings helps us to wrap our minds around the bigger picture.
Dr. E answers your questions about conflict the judgment of believers, dispensationalism, tribulation for believers, and practicing yoga as a Christian.