Michael originally taught Distraction-Free Worship (John 2:12-25) at Immanuel Bible Church.
Distraction-Free Worship (John 2:12-25)
Michael originally taught ‘Distraction-Free Worship’ (John 2:12-25) at Immanuel Bible Church.
- True worship is not about what we get out of it, but what we give to God.
- Miracles and signs are God-motivated, not man-manipulated.
- Jesus Christ is the new temple and believers are part of that temple.
- We need to regularly clean our hearts and remove anything that distracts from our worship of God.
- Worship is not about rituals or preferences, but about genuine devotion to God.
Excerpt From The Sermon
“Jesus Christ took a scourge and he drove out the animals. Don’t always think of Jesus as this mild -mannered, gentle Jesus. He picked up a whip that He manufactured and He drove out the animals and the moneychangers’ tables were turned over.
You remember in Passover, when the Jew prepared for worship, they went through the house and got out all the leaven. We don’t know how Jews stored leaven, but the picture is almost like it could be in any nook or cranny. So you had to clean all the leaven out of the house. Was leaven really the issue? No, the issue was that leaven permeates and sin permeates.
So you need to clean all the corners and crevices of your home to ready yourself for worship because Passover is coming. So while the good law abiding righteous Yahweh fearing Jew is cleaning their house, Jesus Christ goes in to clean His house, His Father’s house.”
To read the gospel of John, click here.
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