Michael originally taught ‘The Ramifications of Following Christ’ (John 1:35-51) at Immanuel Bible Church.
Miracle at Cana (John 2:1-11)
Michael originally taught ‘Miracle at Cana’ (John 2:1-11) at Immanuel Bible Church.
- Jesus reveals His glory through His miracles, showing that He is God among us.
- Jesus has the power to transform anything, as demonstrated by His ability to turn water into wine.
- Jesus’ miracles are acts of grace, displaying His lavish and bountiful love for us.
- Jesus cares about the smallest details of our lives and is always present to help and provide for us.
Excerpt From The Sermon
“We look at all the ways John, in the Gospel of John, used the word time or hour. And we can tease out at least three different ways He used the word. One is the cross that Jesus is going to face. My hour, he’s talking about the cross. Another is the glorification issue, where He says, Father, the hour has come. Glorify Your Son that Your Son may glorify You. And there’s another way he uses it.
When He’s perhaps announcing His debut, My hour, to begin public ministry, we might think of the synoptics in the so-called triumphal entry or an inaugural type appearance. Maybe He’s referring to that. None of the three is incorrect in application. I think He’s referring to his glorification. His time to be known among people is not yet. It’s not My hour for Me to let them know who I am. It’s not time for me to do this. I’m not against helping the couple, but it’s not the time for people to know who I am yet.”
To read the gospel of John, click here.
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